Saturday, October 27, 2007

One More Thing...

What the hell is it with people and tearible terrible spelling, grammar, general writing skills and common sense?

I tell you know - all one of you reading this blog - shitty spelling, grammar, punctuation and writing skills will not be tolerated - any of such will result in a swift kick in the jugular (be it that I find you - I may have to ultimately resort to merely deleting your comment/making fun of you in subsequent postings).

For all you stupid people out there, that means:

- l0lz0rs d00d no l33tsp3ak.
- using the correct words for "your" and "you're", "who's" and "whose", etc.
- using punctuation and capital letters every once in a while so that people can understand you and not be confused by irrelevant rants that you may find yourself clever by posting
- anything else that I feel like adding to this list at any point in time


Steve WIllems said...

I too agree with the lack of sufficient English skills in society today. It seems as though even the instructors of the English language are being converted, as I have recently found my English prof on Facebook using slang. He also described our essays, saying they read like a Blog.

Steven R. Willems

Steve WIllems said...

To the author of this blog:

I have not seen any updates recently, and would really enjoy reading your perspective on issues of life, food, sport, and technology. Your writing style is something that is rare in this day, and would encourage you to continue your writing on this weblog. Thanks for your cooperation,

Steven R. Willems