Saturday, October 27, 2007

One More Thing...

What the hell is it with people and tearible terrible spelling, grammar, general writing skills and common sense?

I tell you know - all one of you reading this blog - shitty spelling, grammar, punctuation and writing skills will not be tolerated - any of such will result in a swift kick in the jugular (be it that I find you - I may have to ultimately resort to merely deleting your comment/making fun of you in subsequent postings).

For all you stupid people out there, that means:

- l0lz0rs d00d no l33tsp3ak.
- using the correct words for "your" and "you're", "who's" and "whose", etc.
- using punctuation and capital letters every once in a while so that people can understand you and not be confused by irrelevant rants that you may find yourself clever by posting
- anything else that I feel like adding to this list at any point in time

I Have A Blog!

Well, I finally got off my lazy ass (I'm actually sitting on my bed right now) and made myself a blog.

Of course, I had many dreams of grandeur in which I envisioned myself creating a custom blog engine - that, however, was ultimately reduced to getting a Blogger (as I mentioned before, I'm lazy).

Notice the creative title as well. :)